Is Vietnam safe to travel?

Safety in Vietnam is not considered a major problem. Nevertheless, we recommend keeping in mind some security tips to enjoy Vietnam to the fullest and without a worry.

  • Since tourism has been growing in recent years, petty crimes have increased such as robberies, pickpocketing and purse snatching (specially snatchers on motorbikes). It is advised to stay alert in crowded spaces, public transport, popular tourist areas, markets and shopping centers, restaurants and beaches. You should also keep a digital copy of your identity and travel documents, avoid showing affluence, avoid isolated areas and be extra cautious when withdrawing money from ATMs.
  • Another useful tip is to try to divide the amount of Vietnam currency you have. You can put some in your backpack, in the inner jacket pocket and in your trousers.
  • If you are a woman traveling to Vietnam you should be extra careful because there have been cases of harassment, verbal abuse and sexual assault We recommend that if you experience sexual assault, you should seek immediate medical assistance, contact the local police, ensure they file a report, and inform your embassy or consulate.
  • Cybercrime happens as perpetrators may compromise public Wi-Fi networks to steal credit card or personal information. Don’t use unsecured public Wi-Fi networks, don’t make  purchases on unencrypted websites and be cautious when posting information on social media.
  • We recommend you arrange your pickup with your hotel before arriving at the airport since there have been cases of criminals posing as taxi drivers to rob tourists.
  • Make your purchases in safe places. Fake fashion items are very realistic and are sold as if they were original. 
  • On excursions, carry luggage with a padlock and do not take your eyes off it, especially on public transport.
  • There are still unexploded mines and explosives in the center of Vietnam (in areas close to military facilities) and along the border of Laos.
  • When taking a taxi, ensure that the vehicle has a meter (it is more reliable) and check that the driver is driving in the right direction using mobile GPS. Many take advantage of the naivety of travellers and take several unnecessary turns in order to charge more for a trip.
  • Traffic is chaotic throughout the country, especially in cities in Vietnam. Road safety and road conditions are poor. In fact, Vietnam has one of the highest fatal accident rates on the planet. The best thing to do is rent a car with a driver or move around using public transport. 
  • Be extremely careful around wild animals. Avoid getting bitten as the animals may carry rabies. 
  • It’s not uncommon to fall ill from consuming tap water or indulging in street food. Vigilance is key when it comes to your eating choices – scrutinize what you eat, where you eat, and the water you consume. Exercise caution with ice, as it is occasionally made with non-potable water.
  • A prevalent scam targeting travelers involves inflating prices beyond the usual rates paid by locals. Be vigilant in shops,  street food kiosks and occasionally even in restaurants. 
  • Here are some emergency numbers, just in case you need them: Police 113; Fire 114, Ambulance 115 and Emergency Rescue 112.